Twilight Wins Everything for Next 10 Years
The end of entertainment may finally be upon us, as the Twilight series has swept the 2010 People's Choice Awards. History was witnessed last night at the NOKIA Theatre LA,…
What If Rush Limbaugh was in a PETA Ad?
–Inspired by KV(whose name shall be kept anonymous due to her nausea at what she has inspired)
NY Mayor Shows Users How It’s Done
This past weekend, thousands of pamphlets were printed by the New York City Health Department. While many pundits had speculated the pamphlets may be about eating healthy on the cheap…
ABC Fills Adam Lambert Spot with Rip Taylor
For the past month, the television syndicate of ABC has endured tremendous pressure by gay and pro-gay support groups, due to pulling American Idol finalist, and apparently gay, Adam Lambert…
Good News, Everyone, from Copenhagen
The debates about climate change, both politically and scientifically, had seemingly become a stalemate. Both global warming supporters and detractors(or, the other way around) began mud-slinging during discussions, which brings…
Dentist Elf Busted For Drug Abuse
A dentist elf at the North Pole has been arrested and charged with possession of an illicit substance during the Christmas season.
Salahis Refuse Invite to Congress
Washington, DC: Tareq and Michaele Salahi, the latest media whores who attempted to get their own reality show by doing something stupid, today refused, through their lawyer, to speak with…
Tiger Woods Seeks Name Change
Windermere, FL: Tiger Woods, charged with careless driving, fined $164 by Florida authorities on Tuesday, and squarely in the crosshairs of the celebrity and tabloid media, issued a statement Wednesday…
How Straight Men Can Watch New Moon Safely
Yes, you have heard right. Throughout the universe there live a small, but virile, population of heterosexual men who need to watch the Twilight Saga's latest besmirchment of the classic…
Celebrities Confused by Flaming Hills
As fires ravaged California this week, destroying millions of dollars worth of Cristal Champagne and Ferrari Enzos (thanks to MTV 'Cribs' for research material), all eyes turn to the State's…