BP ROFLcopter Contest!
In an effort to lay claim that they are doing everything possible to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, oil titan British Petroleum had released a…
Bristol Palin to Wed Baby Daddy
Anchorage, AK: Usually when a young woman finally convinces a guy to put a ring on it, her parents are among the first to know. But not for the infamous…
Review of “The Five Ghosts” by Stars
I’m told that Stars is a band from Montreal, and that “The Five Ghosts” is their fifth album or whatever. But, seriously… Degrassi? REALLY? This is the source of the…
Andrews Lawsuits Replace 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon
Bristol, CT: In what seems to be her insatiable bloodlust for revenge in response to the shocking, life changing invasion of privacy (and increase in celebrity) she is still dealing…
NFL Hall of Famers, Rookie Linked to Boy Band
Los Angeles, CA: The National Football League was spun on its head this past weekend, as it was learned that two Hall of Fame players and a rookie engaged in…
Florida Residents Unmoved by Northeast Heat Wave
Tampa, FL: The record-breaking heat wave that is scorching much of the Northeast is likely to last through the weekend, according to weather forecasters. The heat wave, which has been…
Twilight Film Eclipse Claims First Victim
Wellington, New Zealand: With such horribly predictable plot lines and below-par acting, it was bound to happen eventually—Eclipse, the third film in the overrated Twilight saga, bored a movie-goer to…
Kick A Brit Week
In a time when England is already feeling the highly anticipated embarrasment caused by its national Hairdressing, sorry, Soccer team, and suffering the brunt of President Obama's scathing attack on…
Disgraced English Football Fans Return Home
With the eyes of the world upon them, with the hopes of the nation resting on their shoulders, and with over a hundred years of history and tradition to uphold,…
Cult of iPhone 4.0 Goes Public
The iPhone 4, also known as the Jesus Phone, was released today. In anticipation of this religious event, more than six hundred people with nothing better to do lined up…