Letter of the Week: 10-7-08
Why you have to show liberal roots, then rip on something like the Declare Yourself campaign? I think you should pick a side and stick to it.
The Owl Gets Political-Like
Ashton Kutcher? Really? I mean, they could have put Carrot-Top in there, and it probably wouldn't have been so f*cking cheesy. A line of actors and actresses, acting horribly(especially at…
Mensa Candidates in Iowa
Living in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, you get little tastes of the "big city" without really living in such an environment. We have everything that a huge place like Chicago does…
Candidates Debate Policies, Pizza Toppings
Oxford, MS: This past Friday, the entire free world witnessed the opening jabs, right-hooks, and over-all debate of Barack Obama and John McCain, the front-runners of the 2008 presidency of…
World Economic Crisis: A User’s Guide
Anyone looking in their wallets or purses right now is in for a big surprise. That's the World Economic Crisis. But how did it happen, and who can we blame?…
Letter of the Week: 9-24-08
I would like to personally thank "Ken" for setting us straight about what is truly important to music and the arts. But I'm on to YOU, "KEN," or, dare I…
McCain’s Birth Certificate Located In Basement
Washington, D.C. –An intern at the Smithsonian Institution has discovered the whereabouts of presidential hopeful John McCain’s birth certificate in the most unlikely of places – a spider’s web in…
Perez Hilton Rumored to be Gay
According to industry insiders, Perez Hilton (real name: Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.), the well-known blogger and television personality, is a closeted homosexual. Hilton, disliked and feared by many in Hollywood…
Review of Darius Rucker’s “Learn to Live”
We are in the midst of a cross-marketing Babylon. Musical whores are jumping across genres to sell albums left and right, and country music is the biggest beneficiary. First, Sheryl…
World’s Largest Easy-Bake Oven Activated
After thirteen years and an estimated 3.2 to 6.4 billion pounds(British currency), physicists from around the globe gathered at an undisclosed area around the border of France and Switzerland(yes, I…