So welcome to the clean and shiny face of the UK.
We have a brand new, fresh out of the box, Prime Minister here in England. Gone are the days of the George W.C Bush butt-plug we all knew as Tony B. Liar. Almost immediately forgotten are the two short years of unelected leader Gordon ‘Golden’ Brown, widely regarded as the worst PM the country ever had….but…
…you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. But you will…see a whole load of nothing.
Yes folks, the Grandfather of all modern Parliaments has completely failed to elect any leader of any sort, mainly due to a TV appearance from the head of the much fabled ‘third party’, which confused the electorate so much, they actually took note of what was being offered…and chose none of them.
This means that no Party has a working majority in Parliament, so the only way to form a government has been to abandon all political principles and form a coalition with the lesser of the two remaining evils.
Not that any of that is really going to matter over the next few years, due to the impending bankruptcy of the British economy..either that or the really BIG Icelandic volcano blowing its top..Not that any of that matters either, because at the end of the day, we’re British, and as long as we have something to moan about, we are happy.
And therein lies the problem.
How can we moan about a Prime Minister that has so little substance, overseeing a doomed, squabbling, ineffective bunch of politicians, whose only motive will be in trying to make a name for themselves either by hurling abuse at their counterparts in the House Of Commons, or increasingly banal appearances on “Celebrity Reality” game shows.
With the heavily buffed visage of David Cameroons glowing at us from every available media slot, it’s not going to be long before the country is swamped in a big blanket of featureless, meaningless Beige, and we don’t like Beige. We’re British, and our colour is Grey! Grey skies, grey faces, grey food, we like grey!
So don’t expect anything from this side of the water for the next couple of years at least, we have a new leader, and his name is eeerrmm…oh, I just said it, hang on…David Ca-moron , the man your very own Barrack Obama described as “that lightweight”… Yes he did!
Now…anyone got any loose change for a starving National Bank ?