For those of you enticed by swords and shields, the Dragonborn, mad kings and maidens, and Sean Bean, this next month is more anticipated than Christmas as HBO’s Game of Thrones is set to release Season 1 on Blu-Ray and DVD on March 6th, and Season 2 premieres April 1st.
Last year, we explained Game of Thrones using beer. While our own nod toward the next season will be just as epic, we wanted to get the rest of you in on the fun. Therefore, we are launching a photoshop contest based on Game of Thrones!
The best 2 photo creations will win Season 1 of Game of Thrones on either Blu-Ray or DVD.
Of course, we do have participation “trophies” as well, as the worst 2 photo creations will receive a prize from The Inept Owl’s illustrious closet. It could be a VHS of a workout video, or a AA battery-powered digital camera. Whatever we have laying around, really.
While you don’t have to use them, we have even provided a few templates for the beginners…and the just plain lazy. Simply click and download, then do what you will with them.
How do you win? Email your work to [email protected] with the heading “Game of Thrones”, or post your picture at our fan page on Facebook, by March 12, 2012. We will then post them all in both an article and in a Facebook photo folder. From there, we will count up votes from our readers using a website poll, and the photo “like” button on Facebook. The top two will win the spoils! The bottom two will win the spoiled.
Remember, entries must be your own creations. We are Game of Thrones nerds, and have seen most of the memes that have come through the internet.
Here are some examples we have compiled to help you along.
And another…
Good Luck!
Disclaimer: Neither HBO nor Game of Thrones and any of their affiliates are representatives of this contest and are not to be held liable for this contest or prizes available. Winners must be 18 years or older and reside in the United States. Contest entries due at 12:00am Eastern Standard Time on March 12, 2012.