Our asinine political analysis breaks down Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson.
Name: Gary Johnson
Nickname: Rebel Whisper
Political Affiliation: Libertarian Party
Status: Declared
Known For: Governor of New Mexico 1995 – 2003, Mumbling during debates in 2012
Likes: Guns, Weed, School Vouchers
Dislikes: Obamacare, Government, Ironing his suit
Public Outlook: On paper, Gary Johnson looks like a presidential candidate rebelling against the system, a candidate running to become president in order to do away with the presidency. You know, Libertarianism. Unfortunately, Gary Johnson looks more like a poor, down-trodden public defendant in public and especially debates than a strong presidential candidate.
Pros: Could stir the pot of politics. Again.
Cons: Would probably veto his own bills to make a point if he ever became president.
Quote: “At the earliest age, when I saw a ‘wet paint’ sign, I had to touch the paint to see if it was wet. When I get stopped at the stoplight in the middle of the night, and there’s just no cars coming, and the light is red, I go. I don’t think I’m putting anyone in harm’s way, and I’ll just take the consequences. Because I’m a Libertarian.”
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