Another one gone. George Carlin, philosopher, sage, wise man, one of the great social and political commentators of our time. No doubt he’ll join the other comedic legends of his genre. The likes of Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks. As the days after his death passed by I couldn’t go on without saying something about this innovator of comedy.

   Born May 12, 1937 in New York City. George Carlin was just 21yrs. old when Elvis first started out. Carlin lived through the 50’s Rock n’ Roll era. In 1957 George Carlin deadhe was discharged from the Air Force and went to work at a radio station. He’d go through the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and into 2000 entertaining us.

   Last night HBO had a George Carlin marathon of cable specials and live performances. I stayed up all night watching George dispense his logic, taking in some of his observations dealing with society, government, and pop culture. I couldn’t help but be enlightened by this great man. I remember watching Carlin on T.V. when I was just a kid. My grandpa would watch all those old reruns of black and white variety shows like Ed Sullivan, and The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Back in the early 60’s he didn’t have a beard and he wore a suit on stage like the other comedians of his time did.

   As the 60’s generation of drugs, music, and free love kicked in, George changed with the times, growing a beard and changing his wardrobe to a more casual and laid back appearance. As I grew older and watched his shows more I started to realize something. This man was really an activist and a protester. He used comedy and sarcasm to get his point across. He made you think, and question your reality. He had an underlying tone of strong rebellion towards the system in his rants and dialogue.

   Carlin talked about the government and the stupidity of its citizens. How naive and ignorant the public was of its corrupt leaders. How everyday people just went along with the system while “Getting a great big red, white, and blue cock up their ass.” That’s his quote, not mine. He used humor to make you think about the truth, and shook your beliefs.

   I’m a child of the 70’s and I see what George Carlin was talking about. He saw the hypocrisies of our time and of each generation. Shit, he went through five generations of entertaining us and saw how the country was going to hell. The changes in consciousness and attitudes. It’s getting sadder, the genre of comedians like Carlin are disappearing. The thinking man’s comedian, the social and political humorists are gone. The only one I can really think of is Lewis Black.

   We’re in trouble now. Lost in mediocrity and banality, when we need people like George Carlin the most. To call us on our bluffs and point out the truth to us. Last night while watching his last HBO Special, I could see the age on his face and in his eyes. He was getting old but still had his sharp wit and cleverness. His observant edge was still there. The courage to tell you the truth, and the balls to say, “Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits,” on cable T.V.

   George you will be missed by me and many others, the truth seekers, and those out of step with society. Rest in peace.

“I like to find out where the line might be drawn and then deliberately cross it,” – George Carlin

One thought on “An Ode to The Pontiff of Profanity”
  1. Kamuela:

    Thanks so much for sharing. I too miss George and still think of him on nearly a weekly basis at least. Hopefully, he is still inspiring from a new stage.

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