San Diego, CA: In one of the oddest cases of sexual harassment in politics, San Diego Mayor Bob Filner has come under fire for the alleged sexual harassment of at least 16 women over the span of at least 10 years.
The most recent accusers, an elderly, blonde lawyer and a 67 year old great-grandmother, have helped instigate a call by all nine members of the San Diego City Council for Filner’s resignation, and with good reason. It seems that Filner’s behavior is unbecoming of a public official, considering the age of the victims in question.

“Bob Filner is absolutely disgusting in these perverted displays toward women,” explained political correspondent Arnold Kutchings. “If he was going to sexually harass, why did he have to do it to someone his own age, when there are plenty of women 1/4 of his age that it would make more sense to sexually harass. It’s a damn shame.”
Indeed, Filner’s actions will now go down with so many other political miscues between elected officials and women. Unfortunately, this is the one that will erase any semblance of how sexual harassment can make an inkling of sense.
“We had John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, John Edwards and Reille Hunter, Eliot Spitzer and the city of Washington DC, Anthony Weiner and every woman on Twitter. These were scandals that made some sort of sense,” explained Kutchings. “But Filner and a bunch of grandmothers? It’s a travesty to every political sex scandal ever.”
At present, Bob Filner has not resigned from office, nor has he issued an apology for making the general public throw up in their mouths a little.