Bedfordshire, UK: Seventeen-year old Luke Angel of Bedfordshire, England has been banned from entering the United States after sending an obscenity-laced email to President Obama. Angel claims that the email was sent while

he was drunk and no harm was meant when he referred to Obama as a “prick.”
“I don’t remember exactly what I wrote, as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a prick. It was silly—the sort of thing you do when you’re a teenager and have had a few,” he said. “The police came and took my picture . . .I don’t really care but my parents aren’t very happy.”
His friends, however, are proud of this dubious accomplishment. According to Trevor Hardlicke, “nothing exciting ever happens in Bedfordshire” and they are pleased that their “mate” Luke has something in common with “that towel-headed bloke,” Osama Bin Laden. Inspired by his friend’s dastardly deed, Hardlicke plans to acquire a six pack of Strongbow English cider this weekend and, once drunk, will email obscene messages to Vice President Joe Biden.
“I’m going to call him a cock,” said Hardlicke. “Maybe I’ll get banned from the U.S., too.”
A spokeswoman from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security told The Sun there are around 60 reasons a person can be banned from entering the country, but that she was “prohibited from discussing specific cases.” She did, however, offer a few reasons that could cause one to be banned from entering the United States. They are as follows:
1. Being a terrorist.
2. Looking like a terrorist.
3. Being friendly with a person who looks like a terrorist.
4. Being friendly with Cat Stevens.
5. Calling President Obama a prick.
6. Calling Joe Biden a cock.
7. Being a resident of Bedfordshire.