Los Angeles, CA: John Mayer, Phish-tour fanatic turned singer/songwriter, announced yesterday that he would be cancelling his Twitter account. The statement, which was only announced on Twitter and miraculously disappeared moments after the John Mayer account was closed, left his apparent 3.7 million fans in limbo. This is especially true for fans who had not logged into their Twitter account all day, a questionable, but apparently normal activity.
“This is the worst thing that’s happened since I found out Jonah Hill’s account was fake,” stated Joshua Rubensteikel. “How am I supposed to find out what John had for breakfast, or what he thought about the toilet paper at the latest hotel he was staying at? What is he thinking about what I’m saying right now? If he had a Twitter account, he’d be able to respond to me. Especially is I “@” him. All the celebrities read those things.”
While most of John Mayer’s followers would rather trend John Mayer on Twitter because of his decision, one follower decided to keep following Mr. Mayer and cancel his account with him.

AndyMcC, a Twitter user with 2 followers, released the following statement in 140 characters or less after learning of the news: “In show of solidarity, im following @jcmayer and quitting Twitter. #johnmayer”
While it is currently unknown who the mysterious Tweeter is[pictured here], it is believed it could be any of the following:
- Another insane fan that believes their idol will find and befriend them because of their actions.
- An X-List celebrity that has been out of the spotlight for too long.
- A business accountant trying to make his dead boss seem like he’s still alive.
- A space alien sent to intermingle with humans.
- All of the above.
An investigation is still underway, as the Twitter user’s account seemed to have been suspended due to improper use such as spamming and celebrity stalking.