Hey Owl,

You seem to rip on a lot of things. Is there anything you do like about the world?
-Mr. Greenleaf
Mr. Greenleaf,
That is an excellent question. You’d figure that since I(the website figurehead, and not all of the writers combined into a single entity like that shitty movie Leviathan) mock everything, that I must not like anything. This is actually a very politically-minded question, so I will explain my stance on issues.
I’ve been to the focus sites you may be referring to:
- liberal sites that only make fun of the Republican Party, eating meat, and whitey.
- conservative sites that only make fun of the Democratic Party, health care, and hippies.
- Ron Paul sites that sound hilarious until you find out the writers are serious.
- Loose Change(nuff said)
The problem with these sites is that you know what you’re going to get. Go ahead, find a site that fits to one of the above stereotypes and tell me I’m wrong. It’s impossible, because I’m always right. Those sites don’t surprise you, and who wants to read fifty articles on why GWB Jr. is a dummy, or that there is a conspiracy in the government against Ron Paul because there’s no way he isn’t winning these primaries based on “website polls.” Well, maybe some of you would enjoy it, but give me a few mixed into other articles, and I’m a happy camper.
There is also a philosophy I hold in high regard when it comes to content on this website: “If you can’t laugh at yourself but laugh at others, you’re not funny, you’re conceited.” Actually, that’s one of many variables of this idea, but I believe it. So if we took up a “stance” as a website, we wouldn’t be laughing at ourselves as much anymore. We could be taken seriously(and we already have, surprisingly) and if that happens, then it just isn’t funny anymore. We’d all probably be out of jobs already because of the biography article on our Editor In Chief. Luckily, even he has a sense of humor.
Sincerely without toilet paper,
-The Owl