Congress Insecure about Military Shrinkage, States “It’s A Decent Size”
The plan to replace the size of the military with skill in how it is used has proponents of a large military insecure about the US's place in the world.
Satirical News for Serious People
The plan to replace the size of the military with skill in how it is used has proponents of a large military insecure about the US's place in the world.
The UN resolution in Syria calls for a 30-minute, strongly-worded talking-to discussion with plenty of finger-wagging.
Washington, DC: Today, officials in North Korea issued a strongly worded threat to the US assuring Americans that the North Korean military power is much stronger than theirs. The exact…
All across the country, people have been reacting to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s announcement last week that officially rescinded the rule banning women from serving in combat positions. This decision…
Washington, DC: Former Vice President Dick “Shotgun” Cheney, an outspoken opponent of the Obama administration, has stepped forward and announced that waterboarding is an essential tool for fighting terrorism. He…