Cat Fans Protest Internet Takeover by Giraffes
A virus has begun to spread at an alarming rate, a virus that just may threaten all that we love and hold dear. At least, what we love and hold…
Satirical News for Serious People
A virus has begun to spread at an alarming rate, a virus that just may threaten all that we love and hold dear. At least, what we love and hold…
In an exciting discovery, astronomers based in Hawaii’s Keck Observatory have confirmed the existence of the “most emotionally distant” galaxy yet.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald from the Guardian receives dream opportunity from man in black.
At a surprise fashion show this week, the buzz was all about Gap’s new line, which they’re calling “starvation wage” fashion.
America’s hysterics are still paying close attention to any long-term effects the run-off from the Fukushima plant could cause two years later.
The UN resolution in Syria calls for a 30-minute, strongly-worded talking-to discussion with plenty of finger-wagging.
Fans of The Newsroom and conspiracy theories take Operation Genoa too far.
The One Direction film gives viewers a glimpse of the studio-engineered antics and professionally-directed monologues that they engage in backstage.
Pentagon leaders have issued a statement commending the actions of Miley Cyrus at the MTV Video Music Awards last week.
After more evidence surfaced for an additional element, students across the nation have banded together to protest the possible change to the periodic table, under the banner that they, “Don’t…