Cupertino, CA: Pre-ordering for Apple’s iPad mini is well underway for the physical release November 2nd, but that shouldn’t stop Apple from taking the next step as soon as possible: the iPhone mini.
The iPad mini, heralded as a larger, square version of an iPhone that can’t fit in your pocket or make phone calls, has Apple-philes drooling and the general public scratching their heads, as technology has become little more than a collector’s experience. The ownership of the different sizes of a product has become not a necessity of function, but the need to have a shelf lined up of a gradual size progression of, pretty much, the same device.
Following suit with this idea, the iPhone mini will add itself to this collection necessity and be as useless and faddish as many of its predecessors.
“It’s really quite genius,” stated Apple-phile Charlie Gomez, who stood on a line for 7 hours to pre-order his iPad mini after the Apple website crashed. “I never imagined being able to have a small phone that needs tweezers and a magnifying glass to be operated attached to my key-chain. Now, not only can I imagine it, I can plan on buying it whenever it comes out.”
The idea of the iPhone mini is similar to the iPad mini: shrinkage. The iPhone mini, measuring 1″ x 0.5″, will have all of the operating power of a normal iPhone5. The only difference is in physical operation. While there will still be a touchscreen, the phone will come with a magnifying glass attachment for your ear so that you can see what is on the screen, and a felt-ended toothpick stylus to help the userĀ operate the device.
While the idea of such a phone may seem new and ridiculous, Apple had been contemplating the design of the iPhone mini for years after television and movies brought the idea to life.
Will Ferrell did it on “Saturday Night Live”:

Ben Stiller did it in Zoolander:

“Obviously, Hollywood made it work,” stated Mr. Gomez. “So why couldn’t Apple?”