The AFC Championship match-up between the Baltimore Ravens and New England Patriots last weekend had all of the hype of its NFC counter-part between the San Francisco 49ers and Atlanta Falcons. Luckily, both games lived up to their hype as the Kaepernick train rolled on and the Ravens proved once again that defense trumps offense.
While the 49ers VS Falcons game fell well short of any drama or jokes, the New England Patriots more than made up for the NFC’s boring focus on the game, from Bill Belichick keeping his gag of being the world’s worst loser to Wes Welker’s wife calling out Ray Lewis. The biggest, surprise, however, was the replacement of Sad Tom Brady.
We all remember Sad Tom Brady from previous losses in Super Bowls and playoff games.
Sometimes Sad Tom Brady would be found watching The Shawshank Redemption.

Sometimes Sad Tom Brady would be found on a deserted coastline to be alone with his thoughts.

Sometimes Sad Tom Brady would get political, as he did when he consoled Sad Ron Paul after he lost the presidential election.

After watching Tom Brady in the AFC Championship, it is clear that he is attempting to shed this sad persona. In place of Sad Tom Brady, Sweep the Leg Tommy has evolved in order to show that Tom Brady doesn’t get sad anymore. Like Ndamukong Suh, he gets even.
The original, provided by SportsNation, shows that either Tom Brady was tired of getting hit and wanted to put on a hit of his own, or he is worse at sliding than Eli Manning.
It just makes sense that Tom Brady took his cue from the scene in The Karate Kid between Daniel-san and Johnny.
Add that to the idea of most non-fans of the Patriots believing that the whole Patriots team to be something like Cobra Kai, and we have a new meme to replace Sad Tom Brady and possibly bring him back to internet stardom.