While many believe that, behind the scenes, The Inept Owl is run by perverted gnomes high on PCP, it is untrue. There is only one perverted gnome, and he’s only high on life and computer duster spray: Webmaster P.

Originally hailing from the East Coast, Webmaster P left the rat-race of New York City and journeyed across the country with his girlfriend and child/dog to Californ-I-A in order to join the West Coast porcupine race. Upon arriving there, he was stranded at his apartment after a car accident left him rideless for 2 months. A lesser man would have given up, but Webmaster P instead found a job that required a lot of travelling by plane, dismissing the need for a car.
When he isn’t patrolling the friendly skies, he is here at The Owl, finding new and improved ways to satify our editor’s craving for a perfect online presence. When it was necessary to link articles to multiple social networking applications, Webmaster P was there to install a toolbar. When our editor wasn’t sure how to change front-page html, Webmaster P was there to change the code on the back-end. When our editor got bored with his usual online porn, Webmaster P was there to give him a new link.
Currently, Webmaster P is in the process of creating an application where our editor can materialize through the computer into a reader’s presence in order to explain, in detail, why each article is funny. Fortunately, he has been unsuccessful by the time of this biography.