Washington, DC: President Barack Obama has turned his attention to another action on his “Taking Care of Business” policy list by further examining the mortgage crisis, which has played an alarming part in the current global economic situation.

   At the present moment, the influx of mortgage failures and the business of trading the interests of these defaults has left countless houses in a state of Home for Wayward Homesturmoil and, essentially, homelessness. These houses become wards of banks, or even the state, which must then care for them as if they were their own.

   President Obama’s latest plan has been aptly named the Homeless Homes bill. In this plan, homes would be cared for in numerous ways, from orphanage farms to foster care.

   “There are far too many homes being left on the street, uncared and unloved, for us to stand by and let this happen. If this rise in homeless homes continues, we will be looking at a bleaker future in homely life that may take years to overcome,” stated President Obama. “Home-on-home crime will rise, federal home welfare will need to be expanded, and property values in general will go down.”

   The plan to care for these lowly homes starts with basic care and self-esteem exercises. Such plans, such as Miss Evelyn’s Home for Wayward Homes, rely on communal catering to homes.

   “I’ve only just begun volunteering at Miss Evelyn’s Home for Wayward Homes, but I can honestly say I feel something special here,” explained college student Jennifer DeLucca. “I paint with them, play softball with them, I even taught one extremely poverty-stricken home how to read! They may not say much, but you can feel the love and appreciation beaming through their windows.”

   Foster care for homes is another option, usually a second tier option for homes that have been in orphanage farms. “I took in two homes this past year before these federal compensation pacts, and I can honestly say it has been wonderful,” stated Daniel Mavers. “You get to see these unwanted homes grow into amazing places to raise families.

   Of course, there have been foster home-owners who have taken advantage of such maligned homes, but President Obama’s plan would place strict regulations on who  may be a foster home-owner. “I’ve heard horror stories of people sectioning homes into illegal apartments, or using them for house parties, and even crack dens. I hear these stories about abused homes, and I weep,” Mr. Mavers concluded.

   The bill is expected to pass eventually, although the initial non-regulation of how many homes a foster home-owner may care for is sure to raise some eyebrows in Congress.

inspiration provided by AZ and anonymous friend.

By Patrick AE

Patrick is the man behind the man behind the site behind the man.... When he isn't writing for The Inept Owl, saving penguins from Hulk Hogan, and other activities that could be either truths or lies, he's editing everything else.